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Mission Sunday 2022

Mission Sunday is observed every year around this time to gather people together and remind each one the motive behind our mission as true Christians. Mission Sunday  at Most Church Derebail began with the preparations for the sumptuous delicacies for sale on the 22nd and 23rd of October 2022. Various associations comprising of children, youth and older adults gathered together and worked hand in hand to put up variety of food stalls,fun games, auction of items etc.

 Rev.Fr.Jospeh Martis, in his Homily said that we ought to know our mission that is to spread the word of God and to know what a missionary is responsible for i.e. to help the poor and downtrodden.

On these two days, the church premises was filled with parishioners participating in various activities at the different stalls. Indeed, when the entire parish comes together for a cause it shows that unity is strength and that nothing is impossible through Christ.

Report by: Adriel Quadros
Pictures: Simon Pereira 

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