
Rosy Lobo

Rosy Lobo (85), wife of the late Titus Lobo, passed away on April 18, 2017. Funeral cortege leaves residence Lobo Villa, Barebail on Thursday, April 20 at 3.15 p.m. Funeral mass at 4 pm at Derebail.

18th April 2017

Denis Quadros

2nd April 2017

Monica Lobo

28th February 2017

Alice Crasta

28th February 2017

John Baptist Vas

26th September 2015

Michael Lobo

16th August 2015

Ivan D'cunha

9th July 2015

Mrs. Pauline Lobo (nee Pereira)

9th July 2015

Mr. Peter Lobo

17th May 2014

Elizabeth D'cunha

20th April 2014