Ligory John Pinto (88) Kuntikan Junction ward, Derebail Back

Ligory John Pinto (88) Kuntikan Junction ward, Derebail

S/o Late John Pinto and Late Magdaline Pinto

H/o Mary Pinto

F/o Maxim Pinto, Meena/Steveen Lobo, Marina/Henry Castelino, Lavina/Rajesh Dsouza

Grandfather of Canute, Jason, Hansel, Delina, Deona

Passed away on 13th February, 2021

The funeral cortege leaves residence at 2:30 pm on 14th February, 2021 (Sunday) followed by Mass at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail

The covid rules need to be complied 
with during the funeral rite.

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