Albert Vas (50 yrs) Landlinks Lower Ward Back
Albert Vas (50 yrs) Landlinks Lower Ward
H/O Meera Vas
Father of Victor Einstein and Adin Kennin Vas
Mr Albert Vas (h/o Mrs Meera Vas, f/o Einstein & Adin Vas) left for Heavenly Abode in December, 2022 at Saudi Arabia. Mortal remains are expected to arrive in Mangalore on 28.01.2023, tentatively at 7 AM.
Funeral of Mr. Albert Vas will be held on the same day. Funeral Timing is subject to completion of necessary procedures upon arrival and hence shall be communicated on the same day.
Funeral cortege leaves residence on Saturday, 28th January, 2023 at 9:45 AM followed by mass at Most Holy Redeemer Church, Derebail, Mangaluru.
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