Catholic Sabha Back

Catholic Sabha is an association of Catholics at Mangalore Diocese which exist with the permission of Bishop of Mangalore. Its registered number is 132/87-88. In the year 1997 Catholic Sabha association got affiliation under ‘All Indian Catholic Union’. The birth of the Catholic Sabha came into forum after Vatican II Council. The Council lifted up the role of the laity in the missionary activity of the Church. Laity needs to be included in the effective apostolic works. Laity is obliged under Priestly, Prophetic, and Kingly role of the Christ. These are the main resolutions of Vatican II for the betterment of the laity. This association helps the laity to involve themselves in political administration, which will bestow positive effects on society. Catholics can by this take lead in society to face the challenges which are ahead of them. In Mangalore Catholic Sabha came into existence on 23rd April, 1979, in order, to improve the laity’s role in the Church and in the society.

Catholic Sabha Derebail Unit was started on 25th of June, 2000 under the leadership of Rev. Fr Mark Castelino - the Spiritual Director,  Mr Paul Moras - the President and Mrs Emmy Dmello - the Secretary.


Office Bearers for the year 2023-24:

President : Vilma Monteiro
Vice President : Shaila Noronha
Secretary : Helen Menezes
Joint Secretary : Benny Dcunha
Treasurer : Jeevan Miranda
Amcho Sandesh Rep   : Ronald Rodrigues  
Samuday Abhiviriddi Sanchalak  : Celine Correa
Sri Hita Sanchalaki : Pramila Furtado
Rajakiya Sanchalak : Naveen Pais
Yuva Hitha Sanchalak : Clotilda Dsouza
Immediate Past President : Anil Patrao